After watching my daughter play on the floor for over 15 minutes chasing the lid to a bottle around the room, I decided that this would be something fun and cute to share with those of our family and circle of friends who live far away and wish they too could be here watching Evie play. The lid grabbed her attention after she hit it with her little hand and it rolled in a circle right back to her. She hit it again and it went to her left side, just out of her reach. She then leaned over to her side and hit the lid again and as it rolled farther away this time she assumed the crawling position and chased after her new toy. She followed the lid to the rocking chair, back over to the front door and finally to underneath her high chair. This may not seem like anything special to you but for me it was so funny to see something catch the attention of my daughter for so long who seems to have the attention of half a second most days. I guess my little Evie babe is growing up. She's been crawling since the second week of January and will probably walk soon in the coming weeks and she's just barely 8 months old. I'm glad that she has an active personality and such a sweet spirit about her.
When I first started reading I really thought this was the "shoebox" lid. Great story anyways! Glad to see you have a blog.