Sunday, May 3, 2009

Evelyn Mei Watkins

Evelyn Mei Watkins was born on June 14, 2008. We arrived at the hospital at about 11 am and she was born at 10:58 pm. Yes, she took her sweet little time getting here. :) As you can see she was born with lots of hair and although you can't see it from this picture, a slightly smooshed nose. We named her Evelyn, after my Dad's mom and Mei is Chinese for beautiful- Ryan learned Mandarin Chinese while on his mission to Taiwan. Little Evie as we often call her, has brought much joy to our lives as we've watched her grow and learn many new things. She will be a year old in less than 2 months and it's hard to believe that much time has gone by. She's walking now, she says mama and dada (or dado), and she loves to smile, wave and say "hi" to everyone we pass in the grocery store. She truly has a sweet little spirit and we're overjoyed that Heavenly Father has trusted us with such a precious little one.